Di Spalding Scenic Artist

Di Spalding Scenic Artist

Since leaving Exeter College of Art with a Fine Art degree in 1984, Di Spalding has worked extensively in the world of opera, ballet, theatre, museums and exhibitions as a scenic artist, both here in the UK and Australia.

She held a permanent position as a senior scenic artist at the Royal Opera House for several years but since 2006 has been self employed and working from a 8.5m x 16m studio just outside Redhill in Surrey.

Di is equally happy using her varied skills as a scenic artist to create detailed figurative back cloths or textured or faux finishes on three dimensional scenery in any style and on any scale.

Some of Di’s past clients include:

  • The Royal Opera House
  • English Touring Opera
  • Buxton Festival
  • Royal Festival Hall
  • Unicorn Theatre
  • Baby Cow Productions
  • The National Theatre of Scotland
  • The Lyric Hammersmith
  • Garsington Opera
  • Unusual Exhibitions

Some of the designers that Di has worked with include:

  • Ciaran Bagnall
  • Sarah Bacon
  • Samal Blak
  • Lez Brotherston
  • Deidre Clancy
  • Florence de Maré
  • Anna Fleischle
  • Soutra Gilmour
  • Neil Irish
  • Nigel Hook
  • Rhys Jarman
  • Chloe Lamford
  • Antony Macdonald
  • Jon Morrell
  • Alison Nalder
  • Joanna Parker
  • Bob Perdziola
  • Tom Piper
  • Daniel Potra
  • Zoe Squire
  • Colin Richmond
  • Oli Townsend
  • Agnes Treplin
  • Michael Vale
  • Naomi Wilkinson
  • Adam Wiltshire
  • Read some testimonials.